Logo overlapping CL Carol LeMieux's initials

Masters LIS

The Library is the Heart of Literacy Instruction

Kindergarten Authored

Digital Book

Writers Workshop All About Unit

Kindergarteners researched dolphins as a class. Then mashed Clicker Docs and BookCreator, they wrote a ebook to share with others.

Through a collaboration an elementary classroom on a poetry unit, students explored poetry through the lens of stop-motion animation.
Book trailers are a fun way for students to show their comprehension of a book and advocate for others to read the book. This trailer was done as a part of a children's literatuer course during the MLIS course of study.


librarian Misconceptions

Schools have had to make some difficult financial decisions in the last few years. Modern times require modern tools, however, a pencil costs pennies, while compters cost hundreds of dollars. Where does a school district of a fixed very low per pupil budget find the funds to purchase a device for every student. It seems many schools elliminated librarians. Since this trend has started in the United States literacy scores have been dropping.